CoPA at National Synchro Championships

Congratulations to CoPA girls Rhea and Tilly on competing in the country’s top level competition: the ASA National Synchronised Swimming Championships 2016 yesterday.  This was the first time competing in the figures category at this level for both girls.  Rhea placed 25th and Tilly placed 49th.  Well done to both!

SwimNorthwest Regional Synchro Trials

Under the newly formed SwimNorthwest Regional Synchronised Swimming Committee there are to be new North West Region Elite and Development Squads. The Squads will take part in training sessions which will be at an intense workload to help NWR athletes achieve National and International success.

This is an exciting opportunity for swimmers to be developed as top class athletes and trials for the squads are to take place on Saturday 14th May.  Please see the event page for full details.

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